October. California
Age: This is a large white-headed gull. The rounded primary tips, adult-like gray on the back, and white uppertail coverts indicate it is not a 1st cycle. The flight feathers don't appear adult-like with broad white tips, thus we can be confident in aging it as a 2nd cycle.
Identification: The scapular feathers are fairly dark, suggesting a black-backed species. The broad wing and apparent thick bill with noticeable expansion at the tip are typical of Western Gull. Given the location and time of year, California Gull should be eliminated, which it is by bill pattern and overall structure. The hand appears short, recalling Slaty-backed Gull, but this may be a consequence of how the bird is holding its wing. 2nd cycle Slaty-backed Gull doesn't typically show a smudged head pattern like this, and its outer primaries are often paler with a two-toned venetian blinds pattern.
Our October Quiz bird is indeed a 2nd cycle Western Gull.
, but also by the broad wing. California Gull should have a sharply demarcated bill tip and a narrower wing that appears