30 September 2017

Monthly Notables September 2017

  • Swallow-tailed Gull (adult). Snohomish County, Washington. 01 September 2017.
    • Continued from 31 August 2017. Last seen at Point Wells on Sunday, 10 September.  
  • Little Gull (juvenile). Inyo County, California. 02 September 2017.
    • First county record. 
  • Laughing Gull (juvenile). Taylor County, West Virginia. 02 September 2017.
    • First sighting of the species in WV in nearly a decade.
  • Sabine's Gull (juvenile). Fairfield County, Connecticut. 03 September 2017.
    • 2nd State Record.
  • Laughing Gull (juvenile). Les Basques County, Quebec. 04 September 2017.
  • California Gull (adult). Denton County, Texas. 05 September 2017.
  • Glaucous Gull (3rd cycle type). Kenosha County, Wisconsin. 07 September 2017.
  • Franklin's Gull (adult). Hants County, Nova Scotia. 15 September 2017.
  • Sabine's Gull (juvenile). District of Columbia County, DC. 04 September 2017.
    • First record for Washington DC
  • Lesser Black-backed Gull (adult). Teton County, Wyoming. 16 September 2017.
    • Potential 1st record for Yellowstone NP and surrounding counties.
  • Glaucous Gull (2nd cycle). Barnstable County, Massachusetts. 16 September 2017.
    • First September record for MA.
  • Iceland Gull (3rd cycle type). Suffolk County, New York. 16 September 2017.
    • L.g. kumlieni. Likely summered in the region.
  • Lesser Black-backed Gull (2nd cycle). Calgary County, Alberta. 16 September 2017.
  • Great Black-backed Gull (adult).  Keith County, Nebraska. 17 September 2017.
  • Laughing Gull (juvenile). Kiowa County, Colorado. 19 September 2017.
  • Black-legged Kittiwake (juvenile). Troup County, Georgia. 20 September 2017.
    • Rare and unseasonal. Storm-driven?

September 2017 Quiz

Age: Both of these gulls appear to be in their first plumage cycle. The overall plumage aspect of the larger bird in front, with lightly checkered wing coverts and lack of gray scapulars support this. What of the smaller bird in the back with gray coming in on the scapulars? This is a 3-year gull, and adult-like gray scapulars is not unexpected in the first cycle.

Identification: These two species happen to be the most expected, year-round, residents on the Great Lakes and much of eastern North America. The smaller individual is a hatch year Ring-billed Gull. The silvery-white greater coverts are helpful with this age group, as is its size and incoming gray scapulars (via preformative or prealternate molt). The larger individual in front with paling bill and nondescript upperparts is a hatch year Herring Gull. Although this age group of Herrings is highly variable, there is no other expected species that bares resemblance to this.

Knowing these two species is a requisite for anyone hoping to learn gull identification in North America. The size difference here is remarkable and should be used as a benchmark for gauging sizes of other taxa.