25 December 2015

Waukegan Harbor - Christmas Day Glaucous!

Waukegan, Illinois. 25 December 2015.

Glaucous Gull hath done a good job evading me all season - until today! This 1st cycle was my first interesting gull of the day before being bombarded with Thayer's, Kumlien's and Lesser Black-backeds.

1st cycle Kumlien's at close range:

And a 1st cycle Thayer's with subtle folded wingtips:

For the first time this season, here's all 3, Thayer's, Kumlien's and Glaucous in the same frame:


Glaucous with sub-adult Lessers in background.

Adult/sub-adult type Lesser.

Thayer's and Kumlien's.

Herring and Kumlien's. 

Extensive pigment but the shade was too pale for my idea of Thayer's.

1st cycle Lesser with renewed scaps, pale head and neck.

Same individual above.

Same individual above. Note how a different angle/exposure can change the
apparent shade of this bird.
A nice day afield with no snow or ice still. Temps were between 34-44F. Bright sun and very little wind.