18 January 2015

Waukegan: Glaucous, GBBG and Thayer's

Deciding where to go gull-watching is no easy task...

Today, I stationed myself on the northernmost pier at Waukegan Harbor in Lake County, Illinois. The pier is covered in icy-snow which has become slushy with the recent warm-up, and so the surface is not slippery and can be walked on with caution. Unfortunately, the south part of the harbor was sectioned off with no access. I can never understand when or why this part of the harbor will be closed.

Highlights here were a 1st cycle Glaucous and GBBG - species I don't often see in Lake County - as well as 3 Thayer's (2 ad. and a first cycle).

GBBG (1st cycle). Waukegan, IL. 18 Jan 2015. Photo 1 of 2.

Glaucous Gull (1st cycle). Waukegan, IL. 18 Jan 2015. Photo 1 of 2.

Thayer's Gull (1st cycle). Waukegan, IL. 18 Jan 2015. Photo 1 of 4.

Thayer's (left). The upperparts are very murky and muddy, similar to Glaucous-winged. 

Upper neck and nape most likely white due to bleaching and not PA molt.

GBBG (1st cycle) and THGU (1st cycle) among Herrings.
Historically, Waukegan Harbor has produced some very nice records for Illinois and remains one of my favorite sites to watch gulls on the Illinois lakefront. Now if I could just get there more often!!