28 January 2016

Two Kumlien's and An Iceland - Huh?

Last week we found 3 Iceland Gulls down in east-central Florida: 2 kumlieni and 1 nominate glaucoides - all first cycles.

The first Kumlien's was rather classic in structure, but showed a bi-colored bill and a few 2nd generation scaps.

Kumlien's Gull. Volusia County, FL. Photo 1 of 4.

Photo 2 of 4.

Photo 3 of 4
Photo 4 of 4.

Kumlien's #2 was a beefy son-of-a-brute with a short wing projection and disproportionately small bill.

Kumlien's Gull (1st cycle) with Laughing Gulls. Brevard County, FL.  Photo 1 of 3.

Photo 2 of 3.

Photo 3 of 3.
And finally, the star white-winger, this small Iceland Gull that fits nominate glaucoides perfectly:

Iceland Gull (1st cycle). Photo 1 of 5.

Photo 2 of 5.

Photo 3 of 5.

Photo 4 of 5.

Photo 5 of 5.
This last bird showed uniform pale primaries, a very small build, dome-head and petite bill. Interestingly, while looking at my photos on the boat, I began to reject the idea of this being a Kumlien's. A short friendly debate ensued with those folks standing around me.  I walked over to Steve Howell to show off my best photo of this bird, to which he immediately commented, "This would never be called a Kumlien's in Europe". I could not agree more!