03 February 2018

Brevard County Black-headed Gull

A big highlight from the Space Coast Festival last week was this Black-headed Gull.

Brevard County, FL. 25 January 2018.

Chris Brown from Wildside Nature Tours and I lead 3 trips to the landfill, and on day two, we noticed our previous day's small group of Bonaparte's had grown about four-fold. I commented to Chris that we should check them carefully for Little Gull. We hiked our group down to the cell where they were swirling around in a small puddle. A few moments later, I noticed Chris' eyes lighting up as he remarked, "¿Por quĂ© ese tiene un pico rojo...?" We calmly (not really) waited for it to raise its wings and bingo!

It disappeared the next day, and the next day, and the next and wasn't found until a couple of days ago. Fortunately, the bird returned and last I heard it was still being seen this morning by many happy birders.